Warby Parker an Online eyeglass retailer

When a group of students from the Wharton School took the business of eyeglasses into their own hands because of their dissatisfaction with their current options Warby Parker was born. What has been interesting about this case study is how Warby Parker used social media to engage with their customers to resolve issues, answer questions and prompt them for content creation.  By connecting with customers and creating online communities, Warby Parker has grown to a customer base of over 500K people.

Another way that Warby Parker uses technology and social media platforms to connect with customers is by connecting their business to a cause.  Warby Parker did this by giving away eyewear for every pair they sold. Through the “Buy a pair, Give a pair campaign (Warby-Parker 2017) the company urges philanthropic giving to be done effortlessly, with nothing to be done by the customer. Read more about these give a pair program from their website.

Warby Parker Give A Pair Program

“The Pew Research Institute reported that, as of January 2014, 74 percent of online adults are actively engaged on social networking sites (VanAuken, 2015). This means that there are virtually limitless opportunities for businesses to connect with their customers and unlimited potential to for added sales. Those active adults online often share their purchases and purchase opinions online with others. Which means that Warby Parker can send hundreds of personal shopping invitations every day. “It is important to note that social media isn’t a comprehensive or complete marketing strategy, but rather a powerful tool…”(VanAuken,2015).

You can check out how Warby Parker is using social media first hand by visiting their website or one of their social media pages like twitter or facebook by using the links below. There you can also find out how they:

  • Eliminate the use of traditional channels to make eyewear more affordable
  • Design and make glasses in house to offer better quality, styles and options
  • Connect directly with their customers

Warby Parker  Twitter  Facebook 

VanAuken, K. (2015). Using social media to improve customer engagement and promote products and services. Journal Of Airport Management, 9(2), 109-117.

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